Apache Tutorial
Set up a Ubuntu/Apache cloud-based server

Initial Preparations


Download support software

I use a Windows based computer in my tutorial. It includes a powerful Windows terminal tool known as PowerShell. This tool can also run on linux and mac. It is installed on Windows 10. You can check it out here if you are curious or not using a Windows based operating system: Windows PowerShell

You will need a browser that you can clear history but not affect your normal viewing. I use the Nightly browser from Firefox. It is independent of the Firefox browser you may have on your computer and is easy to use. To clear history, select the three bars at the top right, select History, select Clear recent history... select Last hour and OK. Install Nightly after you download it here: Firefox Nightly

You will need a program to move files back and forth from your computer to your web server. I use FileZilla. Install it after you download it here: FileZilla

You will probably need to modify some HTML, PHP or other file. I use a program called PSPad. The link opens a webpage. Scroll down to PSPad DOWNLOAD Download Now and click it. Install PSPad after you download it here: PSPad

We now have all the tools we need but we are still not ready to go.

I've narrowed down some options for our server. There are literally hundreds of options you can enable. After you finish here, you can certainly go back and learn more. But for our project, here are some things we are going to do:

Limit the access to IPv4 and not allow IPv6 access to the server - Only allow ports to be opened as needed - Operate at the root level, not sudo - Use a complex password instead of a server key - Install Apache, MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin, cgi, ssl security via certbot, certain server tools, and a website.

If you do not know what this means, you will learn as we go.








Acquire your virtual server space

I have tested this process on Contabo. You may have some other Virtual Private Server(VPS) space you want to use. If so, give it a try. It could work.

READ EVERYTHING FOLLOWING AT LEAST ONCE before you click on the Contabo banner below. I will tell you about your choices and how to set up your service.

Once at the Contabo service webpage, you can read through the info there, but when you are ready, select one of the CLOUD VPS services.

First, make sure the language and currency choices are correct. Look at the top right of the page and verify the locale settings. You do this by rolling your mouse over this area:

Contabo Locale

Next, you will configure your VPS.

The selection choices should look like this:

Contabo Select

I suggest the CLOUD VPS M, but you could start with the smaller one, the CLOUD VPS S.

1. Select your term length. Pick a smaller time if you are just experimenting or a greater one if you plan to operate longer.

2. Region. This should be close to you. However, there is a monthly add on fee for these locations. If you are just experimenting, choose Germany with no fee. I use the US Central site.

3. Storage Type. I use the 100 GB NVMe.

4. Image. Select Ubuntu and choose 22.04 in the dropdown menu.

5. Login & password for your server. This is the fun part! We will use the default, root, as the username. Click Generate new password and it will be copied to your clipboard. You need to save this somewhere and not lose it right now. We will be changing it to a more secure password later on.

Make sure the server quantity is just for one and look over the order summary. Then, click Next.

Now fill in the personal details to make an account. Click Next and pay for the service.

Ready? Click the banner below:

Contabo Signup!

We still have a little more to do.

Next task: Final Preparations


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