Apache Tutorial
Set up a Ubuntu/Apache cloud-based server

Final Preparations


Contabo/Nightly Preparations

You should now have a Contabo account. Make a link to your Contabo account in your Firefox Nightly browser shortcut. Here's how:

Find your Firefox Nightly icon on your desktop. Right click it and choose Properties. Look for the Target: line. At the very end of the line, make a space and then paste https://my.contabo.com/account/login onto the line. Click OK. Double click the shortcut and you should have the login page for Contabo showing. Enter your credentials and log in. Minimize Firefox.


Prepare your working server text file

Create and open up a text file for your project. Pick a name for your server and save the text file with that name. I save it on my desktop so it is easily accessible while I work on the server. For my file, for example, I may use the name 'V-601' but make one up that you like. Keep it short. The name isn't critical. I refer to this file as server text file from now on.

Copy and paste the following lines inside your server text file. Only copy what's in the blue box. You'll learn what these things mean later on:

ssh root@Your-IP
-->  Contabo account password you created when you opened the account there:
-->  Your-Password is next line
-->  right-click inside powershell to paste!
###  Almost as fast as you setup the server, someone will be trying to hack in!


Hash marks don't do anything except to REM (remark) out the line. This means the server goes past it without action.

Your-IP is a place saver for your future server IP. Internet Protocol, or IP, is the address of your server online. IP's are usually in the format of XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX or some smaller group of XXX's. is the IP address for Google.

--> Contabo account password: is a placeholder for a password you made earlier.

Your-Password: Replace the password where the xxxxx's are. Make one up. Keep it 32 characters long with different characters. No repeats. Use uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters except parenthesis and single or double quotes. Those show up from time to time in code and can mess things up. Seriously, there are some ways that a special character can really mess up your plan. I stay between the number 1 and 8 including the shift character with those keys. I use 9 and 0. I use the 26 alpha characters with the shift keys as well. That should be enough to create a strong password.

Lines starting without # or --> are commands that will be entered into PowerShell.

I use --> to make notes along the way, or to direct you to enter a command.

SAVE THIS FILE. We will add to it many times and it will be your own personal log of installation actions. When we finish here, you can use the server text file again to build another server.




Open Up PowerShell

Here's how:

On Windows 10, right-click the Windows button. Windows Start Button

Select Windows PowerShell (Admin) Start Windows PowerShell

Allow it to open.

This is the window you will see:

PowerShell Screen

On Windows 11, right-click the Windows button. Windows Start Button

Type PowerShell and select Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator)

Start Windows PowerShell

Grant permission and allow it to open.

This is the window you will see:

PowerShell Screen

Organize your desktop so you can see the PowerShell window and the server text file. Minimize everything else.

Restore your Nightly browser to see your Contabo account. You should see the Control Panel section.

Contabo Start Screen

Highlight and copy Your-IP.
Contabo IP Screen

Paste the IP into your server text file where Your-IP is. Save the file.

Minimize your Nightly window.

We are ready to start loading the Ubuntu server!

Next task: Access the Ubuntu Server


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